Alamat : Kompleks Fakultas Teknik Kampus Karangmalang, Yogyakarta, 55281
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The development of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 which has so rapidly changed the world of education is not only limited to classrooms but also into virtual spaces. The concept of education in this virtual world is often referred to as e-Learning. E-learning has been widely applied in various educational institutions both at home and abroad. However, not all educational institutions, including SMK, take advantage of the convenience of e-Learning. Therefore, in the context of the Community Service (PPM) program, the PPM team of lecturers at the Department of Electronics Engineering and Informatics (JPTEI), Faculty of Engineering, Yogyakarta State University chaired by Dr. Pramudi Utomo held an activity entitled Workshop for the Compilation of E-learning-Based Teaching Materials in the Context of Welcoming the Industrial Revolution 4.0 at SMK N 1 Saptosari, Gunung Kidul.
The event was opened by the Head of the Gunung Kidul Middle Education Center. In his speech, Drs. Sangkin, M.Pd. said that the indicators of advanced schools include: (1) How big is the uptake of graduates to the world of work; (2) High academic scores; (3) Good non-academic achievement. Mr. Sangkin hopes that this e-learning based teaching material preparation workshop can improve teacher competence and innovation in learning in schools.
Meanwhile, the Principal of SMK N 1 Saptosari in his speech said that the PPM for this lecturer is inline with the SMK program in the context of socializing digital literacy. The use of information technology in education is very helpful in the learning process. The e-learning-based teaching material preparation workshop is expected to be able to encourage teachers to be creative in the preparation of teaching and learning materials.
On this occasion, the Lecturer Team consisting of Dr. Drs. Pramudi Utomo M.Si., Dr. Dra. Umi Rochayati M.T., Suprapto S.Pd., M.T., Ph.D., Drs. Kadarisman Tejo Yuwono M.Pd., Indra Hidayatulloh, S.Kom., M.T., and Purno Tri Aji M.Eng. deliver the following materials: (1) Kinds of teaching materials, e-learning as teaching materials; (2) Module format and dictates and ratings; (3) Rules for writing scientific papers. This workshop lasted a full day on July 26, 2019 and was attended by 65 teachers of SMK N 1 Saptosari. During the activity, the enthusiasm of the participants was very high. Many questions from participants to resource persons in the discussion session.
Alamat : Kompleks Fakultas Teknik Kampus Karangmalang, Yogyakarta, 55281
Telepon : +62 274554686
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