Alamat : Kompleks Fakultas Teknik Kampus Karangmalang, Yogyakarta, 55281
Telepon : +62 274554686
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A total of seven (7) JPTEI lecturers, namely Indra Hidayatulloh, S.Kom., M.T., Nurkhamid, S.Si., M.Kom., Ph.D, Dr. phil. Rahmatul Irfan, S.T., M.T., Muhammad Izzuddin Mahali S.Pd.T., M.Cs., Dr. Aris Nasuha S.Si., M.T., Drs. Kadarisman, M.Pd., and Arya Sony, S.T., M.Eng., participated as training instructors and international certification for the Python Certified Associate Program (PCAP) in the Coding Teacher Academy (CTA) Program - Digital Talent Scholarship organized by Kominfo. The CTA program was attended by 2,000 participants who were teachers of ICT at the Elementary School, Junior High School, Vocational School, Senior High School, Madrasa, Extraordinary School and the public and private equivalent. This activity was carried out at the Ministry of Communication and Informatics Training Institute (BPPTIK Cikarang, Pusdiklat Jakarta, STMM Yogyakarta).
Participants are divided into several batches and each batch is required to attend training and certification activities for five (5) days. On the first to the fourth day, participants received an explanation of the theory and practice of the Python Programming Language from the instructor. In addition, participants must also complete tests and assignments for each material topic. On the fifth day, participants take the PCAP certification exam under the supervision and assessment of the instructor.
Participants who take part in the activity in full and pass the certification exam will get a certificate of participant from the Ministry of Communication and Information and also an international PCAP certificate. Through this CTA program, it is hoped that ICT teachers will gain basic knowledge and skills related to the Python programming language so that they can teach it to students in schools from elementary to high school / vocational school level.
Alamat : Kompleks Fakultas Teknik Kampus Karangmalang, Yogyakarta, 55281
Telepon : +62 274554686
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