Alamat : Kompleks Fakultas Teknik Kampus Karangmalang, Yogyakarta, 55281
Telepon : +62 274554686
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The student organization (Ormawa) at the university level consists of the Student Executive Board (BEM). Student Representative Council (DPM), and Student Consultative Assembly (MPM). Meanwhile, to accommodate the interests, talents, and fostering student achievement, there is a Student Activity Unit (UKM) at the university and faculty level. UKM UNY is grouped into four fields, namely the Reasoning Field, the Sports Field, the Arts Field, and the Welfare / Special Field.
Ormawa at the Faculty level is the Faculty Student Executive Board (BEMF) and the Faculty-Student Representative Council, while at the department/study program level there is a Student Association (HIMA) Department/study program.
Alamat : Kompleks Fakultas Teknik Kampus Karangmalang, Yogyakarta, 55281
Telepon : +62 274554686
Email :
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