pt. pindad

Tank "Tempur" UNY Tampil Dalam I3E Kemenristekdikti

Weapon Robot V.1, atau produk tank yang dilengkapi senjata untuk mengenali musuh dan menyerang melalui artificial intelligence , karya dosen dan alumni Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta tampil dalam Inovator Inovasi Indonesia Expo (I3E) yang dihelat oleh Kemeneristekditki di Jogja City Mall akhir Oktober 2018. I3E ini merupakan pameran inovasi tahunan hasil karya inovator-inovator di seluruh indonesia di bawah binaan Dirjen Penguatan Inovasi.

UNY "Combat" Tank Appears in I3E Kemenristekdikti

Weapon Robot V.1, or a tank product equipped with weapons to recognize enemies and attack through artificial intelligence, the work of lecturers and alumni of the Yogyakarta State University Faculty of Engineering was featured in the Innovation Innovator Indonesia Expo (I3E) held by the Ministry of Energy and Technology at Jogja City Mall at the end of October 2018 This I3E is an annual exhibition of innovations created by innovators throughout Indonesia under the guidance of the Director General for Strengthening Innovation.