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Vision, Missions, and Goals
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In 2025 it will become a leading study program in the field of Informatics Engineering in Indonesia that is able to produce superior, creative, and innovative educators and informatics engineering personnel based on dedication, independence, intelligence and professionalism.
By considering all aspects and various local, national, and global issues, the missions of Informatics Engineering Education Study Program are as follows.
- Organizing education and teaching in the field of informatics engineering for prospective educators and educational staff.
- Carry out research that supports the development of vocational education, technology and information-based products and publish research results.
- Carry out community service in accordance with the areas of expertise developed in the study program.
- Developing various resources and cooperation to support the study of the program's vision and mission.
- Developing student activities by increasing creativity and personality development.
Based on the vision and mission formulated in the previous part, the informatics engineering education study program goals are as follows:
- Conducively improving the quality of education to intelectual ability, social and professional attitudes of the academic community of study programs on a regular basis.
- Enhancing the relevancy of the curriculum developed through study programs for producingindependent, creative, and innovative graduates according to the needs of the community.
- . Improving the quality of education and learning containing moral values and life skills by considerng local and global issues.
- Improving the quality of research and scientific work in the field of Informatics Engineering Education to support the development of science and the needs of community.
- Improving the quality of community service based research and community needs.
Contact Us
Address : Kompleks Fakultas Teknik Kampus Karangmalang, Yogyakarta, 55281
Telephone : +62 274554686
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